  P.O. Box 5203, Kampala Uganda
  • Address: Plot 21 Kanjokya street,
    Kamwokya, Kampala - Uganda

  • Call Us: +256(0)772 221 420
    mail us:  asglimited@asglimited.com

In all the four listed service areas, ASG provides solutions that are categorised into four groups.

Capacity development

  • National Content and Training advisory services for the Resettlement Action Plan for the East African Crude Oil Pipeline Project
  • Training needs assessment of the Planning Department and the Policy Analysis Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries.
  • Provision of technical assistance in financial and economic analysis to support Ugandan’s application for European Union grants to finance three water projects in rural and urban towns in the country.

Management systems

  • Design of the Uganda national supplier database
  • Preparation of implementation and operations manuals for the Financial Management and Accountability Programme
  • Preparation of the Procurement Management Manual and Community Handbook for the Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project
  • Preparation of the Project Implementation Manual for the ADB Education IV Project
  • Project Implementation Manual for the Uganda Second Private Sector Competitiveness Project


Knowledge Management

  • Evaluation of the implementation of the Austrian Cooperation Development Strategy for Uganda
  • Evaluation of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness in Uganda
  • Evaluation of the Empowering Farmers through Agribusiness and Financial services Project
  • Mid-term review of the Support for Agriculture and Forestry Project of the Government of Southern Sudan
  • Preparation of the Project Completion Report for the Rural Micro-finance Support Project
  • Evaluation of the Policy Process to mainstream Information Communication and Technology in the Uganda Poverty Eradication Action Plan
  • Implementation review of the Uganda Protected Areas Management and Sustainable Use Project
  • Evaluation of the Power Project Proposals for Financing under the Energy for Rural Transformation.
  • Implementation review of the Micro Projects Programme implemented by eight districts

Operations strategies

  • Scoping study for the Uganda domestic supply index for the oil and gas sector
  • National Content Strategy and Plan for Front End Engineering and Design Phase of Tilenga project
  • Labour Market Information System for the Albertine Region: A Qualitative and Quantitative Skills Gap Analysis on Labour Market Conditions
  • Implementation plan for subprojects of the Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project
  • Preparation of the Second Uganda Private Sector Competitiveness Project
  • Project design of the Access to Markets Capacity Building Programme
  • Strategic Business Plan for the Injury Control Centre